This week I held a brown bag lunch with coworkers to discuss ideas for staying healthy over the holidays. The holidays are hard for everyone; eating healthfully and exercising take a back seat to stress and holiday celebrations that focus on eating and drinking. Although most people only need about 2000 calories per day, the average Thanksgiving meal has 3000 calories and 229 grams of fat!*
I think we should enjoy our celebrations responsibly. Here are some healthful tips to get you through the next few weeks. First, eat a balanced meal before heading to parties, and always have a snack handy. Try a pear with some peanut butter, or carrot sticks and a handful of nuts, to keep you satisfied when you’re fighting crowds at the mall. Next, make eating breakfast a tradition on Thanksgiving! Balance protein, fat, and fiber to keep you satisfied and prevent overindulging later in the day; try a bowl of oatmeal with sliced pears and walnuts for a yummy fall breakfast. Then, get back on track starting the day after Thanksgiving. Eat a wholesome breakfast, lunch, and dinner that include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Finally, make time to exercise! I know we’re all busy, but even a brisk walk for ten minutes three times a day will benefit your stress level and your waistline. Be thankful for your health!
*American Council on Exercise,