Somewhere between Oregon and Berlin, the Pear Bureau’s president and CEO read an article in the paper that caught his eye, because the following Monday morning there was a voicemail waiting for yours truly: “Hi Jenny, its Kevin. There’s an article in the Oregonian about this tiny town in Eastern Oregon where the community is doing their own version of The Biggest Loser. I think we should send them some pears to encourage their efforts.”
As word spread around our office about the community of Fossil and how seventy out of the 465 residents were trying to lose weight, we decided to not only donate fresh pears and handy pear slicers, but also contribute to and effectively double their first place cash prize.
It’s really inspiring how this community has worked together to become healthier. Last I checked, there were eighty people signed up, and they had collectively lost over 600 pounds. Area restaurants are serving healthier menu options and the owner of the one and only local grocery store has even reported a skyrocket in demand for fresh fruits and veggies. Now that’s the type of thing produce people like to hear. In fact, the town has become so supportive, there is a running joke that participants have leave town to “cheat!”
I was fortunate enough to be deliver the pears to Fossil personally and watch while a crew from NBC filmed the biggest losers for the “Pound for Pound” challenge.

Wheeler County's "biggest losers" assemble in front of the courthouse
Click here to read a story NPR did on Wheeler County’s Biggest Loser and here to read a story by Portland’s kgw news.