Stress is in the Air!


Maybe it’s just tax season or perhaps a chronic condition rearing its ugly head this week, but everyone around me is stressed out. I, personally, am feeling light as air since spring is here, but can’t enjoy it when surrounded by such a dispirited crowd. Stress is a biological response to usually negative and unwanted stimuli in the environment (perhaps taxes?) that wreaks havoc on the mind and body. Most notably, it leads to irritability, tension, feeling rundown, elevated blood pressure, depressed immunity, and even the blues. No one wants to feel this way, but there are some techniques that can help.

The best course of action is alwabc-clusterays removal of the stimulus (finish your taxes!), but when all else fails, try exercise, sleep, and a balanced diet. Exercise and sleep corral stress hormones (e.g. cortisol, adrenaline), alleviate physical and emotional backlash of stress, and boost relaxation. But how can what you nibble help? Eating a balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables may counteract some negative effects of stress. Complex carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables boost levels of serotonin, a naturally occurring brain hormone that has a calming effect. Also, foods high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants may improve immune function and lower blood pressure. A good example is vitamin C; not only do its antioxidant properties protect the body from stress, but some studies suggest that vitamin C can lower stress hormones and strengthen the immune system. Don’t know where to start? Pick a pear! Pears are an excellent source of fiber and a good source of vitamin C, not to mention they’re chock full of antioxidants and taste delicious. Small changes every day, like adding a pear for a snack, can add up to big benefits in the end.

About Amy Kweller MS, RD

As a Registered Dietitian, I have a professional relationship with pears. But as someone who loves great food, I also have a personal relationship with pears! So there is no better way to spend my time than blogging about this lovely fruit. I will blog about pears from farm to table; healthy living, cooking, and recipes; the therapeutic benefits of pears and a wholesome diet; and how pears can fit into your lifestyle. I have a background in clinical and community nutrition, and teaching others how to lead healthy, fulfilling lives is my goal and passion – so send me your questions. My hope is that everyone who visits this site will find something that lingers long after the browser closes, and I expect that will be a deeper love of pears!

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